Sunday 13 February 2011


For my boyfriend's 25th birthday I said I would make him an R2-D2 cake. (eeek!) For those of you who may not have seen Star Wars (although I'm sure everyone has) this is R2:
After looking at about a thousand pictures of R2-D2 and other peoples R2 cake creations I set about making a plan...

I drew out all of the design as I thought it would be easier to cut out the cakes and all of the detail in the icing.
So I baked one circle cake and three rectangle cakes. (Believe me, that was a lot of eggs!!)
I cut the circle in half for the head and sandwiched them together with strawberry jam. I used two of the rectangles on top of each other for the body and cut the legs from the third rectangle.

I rolled out white sugar paste and covered the body/head first and the legs individually. This took quite a lot of paste as I wanted it to be thick and not crack as I moulded it.

I then used sugar paste to create all of R2's detail.... at this point I have to admit I got a little tired and didn't put as much detail on him as I wanted to. I would have liked to have done more work on the legs and possibly some on the body. However, regardless of that I think he turned out well...